Thursday, May 31, 2007

Tomorrow celebrates 5 years since I made the best decision of my life..

Tomorrow is my 5 year anniversary. The first 4 years of my marriage was spent living in my parents' home. The last year was spent navigating around a new state with a baby.

Don't venture to a new state unless your husband is your best friend.

I met my husband in high school. It sounds phony, but I knew we would be married one day. We complete each other. He is the ying to my yang. We are compatible, attracted to each other, and know each other better then anyone else.

He did surprise me in this past year. I knew we were going to be thrown for a loop when the baby arrived, and we were. He loves the baby, I love the baby...but we went through a mourning period of missing our old marriage. The marriage that consisted of singing to each other in the car, watching movies, and sleeping in. Add that change with exhaustion, and you have a stress filled situation.

My father in law told me the other day on the phone, that while I was still pregnant, I vowed that my husband will always be number one. I still hold that vow true. Without my husband, his love and support system...I don't know who I would be. He is my rock and my reason. My reason for being. If I don't aim to make him number one in my life, then trouble waters will lie ahead. I know we were meant to be together, I know that he is the only person for me. I know it's a funny thing that our families would migrate down to Florida and we would meet at the same high school. There are so many amazing things about my husband. Just when I thought I knew everything there was to know...he surprised me with a biggie.

I married a family guy. I knew he loved me and he is a great spouse, but I did not know where "family" fell onto his importance meter. I am so proud to say that my husband is one of a dying breed. No one is ever going to be a better career man then my husband. He strives for perfection. I don't know where it comes from, but he is an incredible worker. There are good workers out there, then there is my husband.

Not only is he giving his all at work, but he comes home and gives me all of his pay. I am fortunate enough to be a stay at home mom. As he watches his colleagues drive great trucks, ride on expensive bikes, and take great vacations...he comes home to his two dependents. He is living proof that you can make it on one income. Its about sacrifice and how badly you want it. I don't think many saw my husband as this type of man. He loves materialistic thing. He is a spender by nature. I can never in a million years put into words what he means to me and what his sacrifice to his family has done to make my dream come true. So, he has now gone 11 months straight, without taking a sick day or vacation day, to make sure he has the time to attend my sister's wedding this summer.

Who is this guy? I felt like I won the lotto with him 5 years ago when he vowed to love me forever. Where we are now in life, the love that I have and receive...I could have never predicted.

So here is to you love! 5 years down...around 70 to go...

I just had a thought...when you turn 30 years old..its like wow..I am getting up there...but when you say something like 70 more married years's a long time!

1 comment:

Coleen said...

that means you plan to go to 100??
happy anni