Friday, November 23, 2007


I have now spent Thanksgiving with white people, Puerto Ricans, and now black people.

One thing is the same throughout. Music and dancing. My family gets together and does an interprative dance number to the Dixie Chicks, Landslide. Puerto Ricans dance the salsa and play instruments along with the radio. The black family pumps up Beyonce, does some line dances, then slows things down with Barry White.

Funny, how its the same thing in each house going on.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Today we Salute You, Former Blog Reader

Josh's mom presents.... Former Blog Reader

singer Miss Former Blog Reader

Narrator: Today we salute you, Miss Use-to-be-faithful-blog-reader.

Singer Miss Use-to-be-faithful-blog-reader

Narrator: It's not easy, day after day, waiting for a post before you lose all hope.

Singer I was removed from your favorites

Narrator: You have long days and too many blogs to check, it was about time I got fired.

Singer Even Donald Trump doesn't fire family

Narrator: Maybe it was a threat, maybe it was for real, but it sure did get me thinking.

Singer Would Rosie's sister talk to her like this?

Narrator: The blog fan with so much time on her hands. loves reading about other's lives and thoughts

Singer There's a peeping tom in my window

Narrator: so here's to you, Miss Use-to-be-faithful-blog-reader, you will be missed, but atleast you have those 5 seconds of your day back.

Singer Miss Use-to-be-faithful-blog-reader