Thursday, November 22, 2007

Today we Salute You, Former Blog Reader

Josh's mom presents.... Former Blog Reader

singer Miss Former Blog Reader

Narrator: Today we salute you, Miss Use-to-be-faithful-blog-reader.

Singer Miss Use-to-be-faithful-blog-reader

Narrator: It's not easy, day after day, waiting for a post before you lose all hope.

Singer I was removed from your favorites

Narrator: You have long days and too many blogs to check, it was about time I got fired.

Singer Even Donald Trump doesn't fire family

Narrator: Maybe it was a threat, maybe it was for real, but it sure did get me thinking.

Singer Would Rosie's sister talk to her like this?

Narrator: The blog fan with so much time on her hands. loves reading about other's lives and thoughts

Singer There's a peeping tom in my window

Narrator: so here's to you, Miss Use-to-be-faithful-blog-reader, you will be missed, but atleast you have those 5 seconds of your day back.

Singer Miss Use-to-be-faithful-blog-reader

1 comment:

Coleen said...

well thanks for using my fat picture, you know the st. patricks day pics are the best. and it was just to light a fire under you, it gave you inspiration didn't it? you know as well as i do that i won't stop checking your blog, how do you think you get so many hits?